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Wednesday, April 24, 2013

What are the problems faced by Small Level Industries in India?

With India, small scale industries have played a really significant role. After freedom, small  scale industries had made their importance inside Indian economy. Since freedom, small scale units have been defined judging by Labor  force criteria and also investment criteria. The investment limit of small scale unit has increased up to 5 crore in 2007-08.
Growth of small scale industries is visible by the role played out by these industries in various sector like:

Role of small scale industries:
1. Contribution in industrial production
2.Employment creation
3. Contribution to export
4. The same distribution of income & prosperity.

Small-scale industries in India can't progress satisfactorily due to various problems likely confronted with while operating enterprises. In spite of needing huge potentialities, the major problems, small industries face are given below.

1. Problem associated with skilled manpower:

The success of your small enterprise revolves about the entrepreneur and its personnel, provided the employees tend to be skilled and efficient. Because inefficient human element and unskilled manpower create innumerable problems for your survival of small companies. Non-availability of adequate skilled manpower in the rural sector poses trouble to small-scale industries.

3. Inadequate credit assistance:

Adequate and timely supply of credit facilities is an important problem faced by small-scale companies. This is partly because of scarcity of capital and partly because of weak creditworthiness of the small units near you.

3. Irregular supply associated with raw material:

Small units face severe problems in procuring the recyclables whether they use locally available recyclables or imported raw products. The problems arise because of faulty and irregular supply of raw materials. Non-availability of sufficient variety of raw materials, sometimes poor quality of raw materials, increased cost of recyclables, foreign exchange crisis and most importantly lack of knowledge associated with entrepreneurs regarding government insurance policy are other few hindrances regarding small-scale sector.

4. trouble of marketing:

Another important problem confronted by small-scale units may be the absence of organized marketing system. In the lack of organized marketing, their products compare unfavorably with the grade of the product of large- level units. They also are not able to get adequate information with regards to consumer's choice, taste and preferences of the kind of product. The above problems do not let them to stay out there.

5. Lack of equipment and equipment:

Small-scale units are striving hard to use modern machines and equipment in their process of production so that you can compete with large companies. Most of the little units employ outdated and also traditional technology and products. Lack of appropriate technology and equipment create a major stumbling block for your growth of small-scale companies.

6. Absence of ample infrastructure:

Indian economy is seen as a inadequate infrastructure which is a major problems for small units growing. Most of the little units and industrial estates found in towns and cities are having a number problems like lack of of power supply, water and drainage trouble, poor roads, raw products and marketing problem.

Thus lack of adequate infrastructure adversely affect the product quality, quantity and production schedule in the enterprises which ultimately ends up with under-utilization of capacity.

7. Rivalry from large-scale units and also imported articles:

Small-scale units still find it very difficult to contend with the product of large-scale units and imported articles that are comparatively very cheap and also of better quality compared to small units product.

                                 Besides the above problems, small-scale units have been of constrained by a great many other problems also. They include poor project planning, managerial inadequacies, aged and orthodox designs, high amount of obsolescence and huge number regarding bogus concerns. Due to all these problems the development of small-scale industries could not reach a prestigious stage.
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